We've just had a great February Half Term in Alpbach with super snow and those wanting more skiing should consider our Easter Week Saturday 2nd to Saturday 9th April with the Alpbach lifts shutting on Easter Monday, 18 April. This year, the snow base is deep after significant snow falls in January, on top of hard artificial snow at the start of the season. The week ahead is forecast to see deep freezes at night with further snow falling. There is therefore high confidence in the pistes lasting well into April. We would be most grateful if you could spread the word to anyone considering skiing, especially those who missed out at half term. We will be running another full week and the more children we have, the more class variation we can provide. Flights and accommodation will be much more reasonable than at half term. Forms are attached for easy reference and our 2022 training announcement is copied below
2023 February Half Term dates are Saturday 11 to Saturday 18 February. We understand the 2023 Half Term is again split with some schools having their Half Term in the next week 18-25 February. We will consider running a second week if there is sufficient demand, so please bear this in mind when our training announcement is made in September.
With best wishes From the Junior Training Committee
- - 2022 Training Announcement -- Dear Friends, We hope you and your families are well after the past months and like us, eagerly looking forward to the new ski season. Having lost the whole of last year, we are determined to run a full ski season in 2022 and with children back at school and Half Term 5 months hence, it's time to think skiing! We remain in close contact with both the Lift Company and Ski School and will support them in implementing any safety or social distancing measures in the event that some are still in place next year
The AVSC 2022 training weeks are Sat 12 – Sat 19 February for Half Term and Sat 2 – Sat 9 April for Easter. Easter Sunday is 17 April and the lifts shut PM on Monday April 18. Having held our price since 2016, we will now have to make a slight increase making our Euro price €270 for 2022 and please do remember the sibling discount where applicable. We are not currency experts and in order to simplify our own administration, ask you to pay the fees in Euros, by either bank transfer or cash in Alpbach. Membership fees may be paid to our UK account (£25) or included in the Euro payment at €30 for families As Half Terms are always extremely busy and so that we can book the instructors we need it is vital that we know the numbers well before the weeks commence. We therefore urge you to return the Registration Forms at your early convenience. Over the last three Half Terms, we had many late booking and were then unable to reserve the number of instructors we needed, resulting in some classes being larger than we usually target. We have a solution from the Ski School for the coming season but if we do reach our limit, late applicants may have to be wait listed. We also stress that the early return of forms is not a definite commitment but an intent which then really helps with our forward planning. Forms may be returned electronically to [email protected] or by post to The Club Secretary, c/o 26 Fabian Road, London. SW6 7TZ. Our insurers insist that those participating in the AVSC weeks are Club Members. An AVSC Membership Application Form is, therefore, attached for those who need to join, This again may be returned by post or electronically. Those who pay membership annually, please consider starting a Banker's Order and if not please remember to add membership to the fees for the week. If you decide to initiate a Banker's Order please either do this directly with your Bank (our details are below) and let the Club Secretary know what you have done or return the completed original form by post to the Club Secretary as banks only act on original documentation. Payment may be made either now or just before the start of the weeks, by bank transfer or even in Alpbach but please return the forms now, even if payment is to be made later. In line with our usual policy, full fee refunds will be made to early payers who are then unable to attend the training weeks. Regrettably, we are unable to accept CC payments. Our bank details for fees are: Raiffeisen Bank Alpbach, Haus 177, 6236 Alpbach. IBAN: AT34 3620 3000 0002 4240 BIC: RZTIAT22203 Favour AVSC and referenced with your Family Name For those wishing to pay their Annual Membership in Sterling, we accept both cheques made out to AVSC or transfers. The UK bank details are: Barclays, Sort Code 20-88-13, Account No. 80021849. Favour AVSC and please ensure your transfer is referenced with your family name. Sterling Family Membership is £25 / year A draft programme with joining instructions will be circulated before the start of each week and if anyone requires any further details please contact me at this e-mail address. Discount at Conny's Sport. Good news – Conny's Sport have kindly continued their 15% discount for ski hire internet bookings for AVSC members and 10 % for personal shoppers.
To apply for this discount or obtain further detail e-mail [email protected] You will then be sent an individual one time link which will take you directly to Conny's Booking Platform Separate individual links will be given to members or families for each trip. There is a 10% discount for members wishing to shop or hire in person, apply by email to [email protected] at least 7 days before your arrival in Alpbach so that you are registered with Conny's Sport in Alpbach and Inneralpbach We look forward to seeing you in Alpbach in 2022 With best wishes